Summer @ Your Library
Beaufort County Library System and Beaufort County School District unite to combat the loss of literacy skills with an innovative county-wide summer reading program.
This program will provide an easy-to-follow game board with incentivizing prizes that will, most importantly, promote reading and literacy. Each student in the Beaufort County School District (BCSD) will receive a game board before schools break for summer. Beaufort County Libraries (BCL) will simultaneously distribute game boards to visitors of its branch libraries and Bookmobiles. This county-wide program is set to launch on June 1st and run until July 31st. No registration is required. The Public Library Foundation of Beaufort County, all three Friends of the library groups and over 50 local establishments have donated prizes and treats for the program. Summer reading participants who complete their game boards can be entered into a drawing of their choice for one of over 20 grand prizes. “This innovative program is designed to be an easy way for readers of all ages to participate, visit their local library, and keep up their reading skills throughout the summer. Joint participation by both BCL and BCSD is critical to the program’s success. This partnership is intended to bring the community together to combat reading and literacy skill loss, create a habit of reading, keep minds healthy, and foster a mindset of everyone is a reader in Beaufort County,” said Ray McBride, Beaufort County Library Director. Starting June 1st, stop by your nearest Beaufort County Library branch or visit to get your game board!