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Library Announces Second Bookmobile

In June 2017, Beaufort County Council funded the first Library Bookmobile in 21 years. Based on the phenomenal success of this service to Beaufort County citizens in its first six-months of operation, the Friends of the Hilton Head Library decided that they would like to fund a second vehicle.

The Friends of Hilton Head Library Board of Directors worked with Library Director Ray McBride to discuss the feasibility of a second vehicle. After a quick study of the available data and discussions with Library Board of Trustees, Beaufort County Administration, and Beaufort County Council, it was decided that this was a fantastic opportunity.

The Friends of the Hilton Head Library agreed to fully fund the new vehicle ($150,000) if the Library system could fund the additional staff to operate the vehicle. The particulars were worked out quickly and the vehicle has now been ordered. The ultra-heavy duty vehicle production time is approximately 11-12 months.

The Library system should take delivery of the new vehicle in May or June 2019.

The new vehicle and staff will be housed at the Hilton Head Branch Library and will service approximately 40 stops in the Hilton Head and Bluffton areas. The vehicle holds approximately 2,500 books, audiobooks, DVDs and other library items for all ages and will serve both children and adults.

Purchasing this vehicle is simply the most cost-effective way to expand library services to underserved areas of Beaufort County without building a new library facility.

This partnership between the Beaufort County Library System, Beaufort County Administration, Beaufort County Council, and the Friends of the Hilton Head Library exemplifies the best community engagement possible.

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