Search the catalog
Use the SCLENDS catalog to search the collections of the Beaufort County Library system and partner libraries across the state. Items from SCLENDS libraries can be delivered to your branch within days of placing a hold.
If you're looking for eBooks, please visit our hoopla page.

What is SCLENDS?
SCLENDS is a consortium of 20+ library systems across the state that has agreed to share their physical collections. All SCLENDS libraries share the same online catalog.
What does it mean to place an item 'on hold'?
When you place a book on hold, you are requesting that the book be delivered to your local branch library for you to pick up. The requested book may come from the shelves of your local library, from a different Beaufort County Library branch, or, it may even arrive from a library across the state!
I requested an item, but it's taking a while. Why is this?
If a book or DVD is popular, it may have a waitlist. If there is no waitlist, a requested item should arrive at the customer's home library within a few business days. There are various reasons why an item may take longer than anticipated. Please contact your local library and our staff will investigate the delay.
Email Notifications
Beaufort County Library cardholders receive automated email notifications when an item:
you've placed on hold is ready for pickup
is nearing its due date
has successfully auto-renewed
is overdue
Please note that you will not receive an email notification stating that an item did not auto-renew.​ To check the status of an item, please log in to your My Account portal.
I don’t see the book I want. Can you help?
Please reach out to your local branch library and we'll do our best to help!