Science Fiction
We asked our staff, "What is your favorite science fiction book?"
Read below for their answers!
Plus, science fiction novel recommendations from Beaufort County readers
by Craig Alanson
The Stand
by Stephen King
Binti: The Complete Series
by Nnedi Okorafor
Recommended by Hudson DeLoach,
Courier Tech Services
Recommended by Meghan Kilgore, Information Services Librarian
Recommended by Alyssa Krob, Digital Collections Librarian Tech Services
Colombus Day is a rocky, but good start to the amazing Expeditionary Force series where an Army Grunt and a sentient AI shaped like a beer can save humanity, again, and again, and again to varying levels of gratitude.
This book is the epitome of the battle between good and evil. And, having just come out of the Covid pandemic this book resonates even more than did 30 years ago.
I'll be honest, I'm not one for space travel. However, Binti's story is one that I think about often, even though it's been years since I've read it. Okorafor is a master storyteller and the journey you'll take with Binti is nothing short of amazing.
The Kaiju Preservation Society
by John Scalzi
Recommended by Lyndsay Malphrus, Bookmobile Library Specialist
This book is quite the fun adventure and is exactly what the title says, big monsters and preservation. Sit back with a warm cup of coffee and enjoy this wild ride.
by Scott Westerfeld
Recommended by Libby Voight,
Branch Manager
Leviathan is a fun steampunk series set in alternate history World War I full of action, adventure, and a touch of romance. I highly recommend this YA trilogy for teens and adults, even if you're not a sci-fi reader give this one a try!
Clean Sweep
by Ilona Andrews
Recommended by Emma Maines,
Information Services Librarian
Imagine if vampires and werewolves were actually aliens from outer space, and a secret Innkeeper society on Earth was charged with keeping it quiet. Great action, a hint of romance, and best of all, it's the first in a series (all available on hoopla)!
Red Mars
by Kim Stanley Robinson
Recommended by Collin
Stiglbauer, Reference Librarian
Incredibly detailed world-building, realistic motivations and compelling characters, all tied to a story centered around the possibility and ethical ramifications of colonizing another planet.
The Hunger Games
by Suzanne Collins
Recommended by Kim Cappisillo,
Library Assistant
This is the first book in a series of four. I do not normally ready science fiction novels, but these books were fantastic. There was so much action and suspense. I highly recommend this series.
Project Hail Mary
by Andy Weir
Recommended by Tracey Dziomba,
Library Assistant
This book is funny, heart-warming and will make you want to keep reading to see what will happen next!
by George Orwell
Recommended by Debbie Henderson,
Information Services Librarian
George Orwell’s 1984 is a masterwork of social science fiction that transcends its dystopian setting to serve as a chilling allegory of totalitarianism, particularly mirroring the Soviet system of government. This novel is not merely a cautionary tale about oppressive regimes—it is a timeless exploration of the human psyche under relentless surveillance, propaganda, and control.
Artificial Condition
by Martha Wells
Recommended by Katharine Argall,
Library Assistant
A cyborg teams up with a sentient spaceship to solve a crime, taking breaks to enjoy watching tv together. If you liked Data from "Star Trek: Next Generation," relate to oddball characters who find average people baffling, or simply enjoy taking a deep-dive into an unusual point-of-view, you too might enjoy this high-tech space mystery.
Science Fiction books decided by our community