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Introducing Curbside Service

Effective June 15 - Curbside service will be offered during branch operating hours.

Now Available! Pick up books and DVDs with our contact-free service.

Available Pick-Up Times: Monday - Friday from 12:00pm - 4:00pm

1. Call your local branch library to request items or confirm that your existing hold is available.

2. Pull up to our designated pick-up area and call us again.

3. Pop your trunk!

4. We will deliver items to the trunk of your car.

Important Notes

- Orders must be placed in advance by calling the library.

- Holds cannot be placed in the online catalog at this time.

- For your safety and ours, please remain in your vehicle.

- Please do not exchange your library card or any materials with staff.

- Place items you are returning in the outdoor book drop.

Branch Libraries

- Beaufort 843-255-6456

- Bluffton 843-255-6501

- Hilton Head 843-255-6526

- Lobeco 843-255-6479

- St. Helena 843-255-6540


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