Public Library Foundation of Beaufort County
13th Annual Fashion Show - March 4, 2020 Special thanks to all sponsors, attendees, and organizers for another successful event!
Provide funding for facilities, equipment and personnel for the Beaufort County Library which are not anticipated to be available from state or local political funding. In so doing the Foundation will enable the Library in achieving its goal of becoming a first-class library, and meeting the needs and desires of the citizens of Beaufort County.
Several years ago the Beaufort County Library Board of Trustees determined that the funding from local, state and federal sources was not, and would not in the future, support the funding for library services that Beaufort County residents want and need. They convened a committee to determine where additional funds might be obtained.
After examining other libraries throughout the nation, the committee decided that an independent foundation was needed, and that it should have a goal of creating a $10 million Endowment Fund.
In 2005 the Public Library Foundation of Beaufort County (PLFBC) was organized and incorporated as a body independent of the Beaufort County Council, the Beaufort County Library and the Beaufort County Library Board of Trustees. The IRS approved the PLFBC as a 501(c)3 charitable organization, and South Carolina approved its registration as a charitable organization.
A PLFBC Board of Directors was appointed, officers were elected, and bylaws and a mission statement were approved.
There have been a number of significant contributions made that have been expended in areas designated by contributors. Recent examples of directed funds projects are:
Large Print adult books
More than one thousand children’s books for St. Helena Branch Library
WeeRead, a program for children from birth to preschool and their parents. This program introduces parents to reading to their children, and children to reading.
Early Childhood Literacy, a program directed toward young children who have had little exposure to the outside world, including reading and speech.
Book purchases for specific Beaufort County Library branches. These purchases supplement the Library’s own purchases. Donors requested that books be purchased for use at their branch libraries.
Endowment Fund
The Board’s major objective is to establish an Endowment Fund of $10 million. We have established a policy stating that funds in the Endowment Fund will remain there in perpetuity, and only the earnings from it may be spent. Expenditures of earnings will be made on the basis of Beaufort County Library staff recommendations and with Board approval. The Board is aware that the goal for the Endowment is large, but believes that with the continuing support of Beaufort County citizens, it is obtainable.
Other Contributions
Contributions may be designated for a specific purpose or program, or for general support of the PLFBC. For example, you may designate a contribution for the purchase of books or equipment for a specific library branch, support of a specific program, the Capital Contribution Fund for the St. Helena Branch Library, or the early childhood literacy programs offered at several branches.
Contributions may be in the form of a check, stocks or bonds. In the case of stocks or bonds, they will be redeemed and the amount received reported to the contributor for tax deduction purposes.
From time to time the Board may solicit grants for specific purposes that may originate with Beaufort County Library management and staff. Contact us to find out how you can help.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the Public Library Foundation differ from the Friends of the Library?
The Friends of the Library groups are membership organizations that support the activities of their local branches only. The Public Library Foundation raises funds to support system-wide initiatives that impact every library branch.
Is the Foundation under the control of Beaufort County or Beaufort County Library?
No. The Foundation is independent of both, with its own bylaws and Board of Directors.
Can contributions to the Endowment Fund be spent on library projects?
No. The Board of Directors has established a policy that only earnings from the Endowment Fund can be spent.
Are naming opportunities available to contributors?
Yes. A naming policy has been established for significant contributions.
Are contributions tax-deductible?
Yes. PLFBC has federal tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)3 of the IRS Code. It is 14-1925-218.
I have a different question.
Please contact us for further information at plfbc@outlook.com.
Our mailing address is:
Public Library Foundation of Beaufort County
311 Scott Street, Suite 201
Beaufort, SC 29902